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Red Hat Desktop 4

Red Hat Desktop 4

Red Hat Desktop is such a business-orientated Linux distribution that it's only available in bundles of 10 licences, along with a Linux server and online management from Red Hat. Buy 50 desktops and you get the online management in your building, run on its own server. The operating system is 'closed down' and applications and IT staff can be certified -- an approach that's either 'lock-in' or 'making a business-grade Linux' according to your viewpoint.

November 15, 2005 by

SUSE Linux 10

SUSE Linux 10

Under Novell’s ownership, <a href="http://www.novell.com/products/suselinux/index.html?sourceidint=hdr_products_suse">SUSE Linux</a> has been directed towards home and small business users, with <a href="http://www.novell.com/products/desktop/index.html?sourceidint=hdr_products_desktop">Novell Linux Desktop</a> -- also based on SUSE -- targeted at businesses. Despite its market positioning, SUSE Linux 10 is well worth considering for business use. It has a lot in it, and is closer in price to the old Professional version of <a href="http://reviews.zdnet.co.uk/software/os/0,39024175,39155022,00.htm">SUSE 9</a>.

November 14, 2005 by