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Review: MSI Wind netbook doesn't compromise on the keyboard

Review: MSI Wind netbook doesn't compromise on the keyboard

Fellow podcast cohost Kevin Tofel has been enticing me with all of his writings on the MSI Wind so I reached out to the good folks at Dynamism to see about checking one out for a couple weeks. They sent along a black MSI Wind with 80GB hard drive, 6 cell battery, Bluetooth and WiFi, and 1GB RAM that they have available for US$599. After using it for just over a week and taking it on a business trip with me, I ordered my own with 160GB hard drive along with another 1GB RAM stick to upgrade my own Wind. Check out some photos and a walk around the device in my image gallery.

October 20, 2008 by

Can you leave your laptop behind?

Can you leave your laptop behind?

Nick Wingfield wrote an interesting article on the Wall Street Journal site called Time to Leave the Laptop Behind and I think he did an excellent job at articulating the options, trade-offs, and current state of mobile devices for the road warrior. Mobile phones today can be extremely powerful and capable so that some people are using them to work on the road. I personally have traveled a few times with only my mobile phone and a REDFLY Mobile Companion and think it can be done. However, I am not sure that the minor savings in weight is worth the compromises you need to make a mobile phone work for you.

October 28, 2008 by