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Task force recommends more tools for assessment of nano impact

Task force recommends more tools for assessment of nano impact

As nanotechnology becomes more commonplace in food, drugs and cosmetics, the FDA must revise its regulatory standards to assess the emerging technology, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. An agency task force reported recently that nanotechnology, based on those tiny particles so small that they're measured in billionths of a meter, is already being used in consumables, adding benefits and unknown risks to humans and the environment.

July 27, 2007 by

White Space Coalition argues case for spectrum-sensing

White Space Coalition argues case for spectrum-sensing

After the FCC rejected the White Space Coalition's prototype device -- which was touted as being able to sense spectrum to determine which frequencies are freely available in any given area -- Microsoft argued that the technology actually works, they just provided the FCC with a substandard unit. Friday, the Coalition -- which includes Google, Intel and Philips, as well as Microsoft -- filed a response to the FCC, arguing that a replacement device worked properly.

August 17, 2007 by