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YouTube: No special DMCA policies for candidates

YouTube: No special DMCA policies for candidates

McCain wants YouTube to give special handling to DMCA takedown notices regarding political campaigns. Today, YouTube gave the campaign the cold shoulder. It seems McCain has run afoul of copyright holders more than once, with the use of news clips from CBS and Fox. McCain is probably right that their use of news shows is fair use, but YouTube firmly instructed McCain to follow the procedures in the law: file a counter-notification.

October 15, 2008 by

Web 2.0 is Not a Bubble Waiting to Burst - it's a Gold Rush

Web 2.0 is Not a Bubble Waiting to Burst - it's a Gold Rush

I was doing some thinking this weekend about Web 2.0 and the crazy amounts of money that are being thrown at companies now. I, like most people I would assume, am worried about whether or not the trend is going too far. I don't want to see all of the progress we're making with Rich Internet Applications go down in a blaze of glory because the Web 2.0 bubble bursts. However, as I walked around Seattle this week, I realized that what's happening on the web doesn't have the traits of a bubble waiting to burst, it has the traits of a gold rush.

June 26, 2006 by