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Stoking the coals of Innovation

Stoking the coals of Innovation

Recently I have been very negative about the Open Source Community in China and the half hearted efforts by foreign communities to help develop an Open Source Culture in China. A friend of mine, Anne Stevenson-Yang, working at Blue Bamboo in Beijing recently wrote me to announce a conference she had been working on, International Software Innovation Forum 2007 Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and Open-Source Software, to be held in Beijing January 30.

December 8, 2006 by

A proposal for innovation in China

A proposal for innovation in China

When I look at companies like Red Flag, Turbo Linux, Co-Create and SunWah, I see token open source development houses that are more focused on service and integration. Now, these companies can be great for the community in localizing open source applications and standardizing them for government and financial industry projects, as well as contributing patches back to the community (I can't confirm this), but I don't see these companies very active in the Western community.

March 3, 2007 by