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Get facts, not spin, about Vista's new license

Get facts, not spin, about Vista's new license

Last week I documented a change in the terms of the retail Windows Vista license that will directly impact hobbyists and enthusiasts. Paul Thurrott spoke to a Microsoft product manager who says it's just a "clarification." That's a remarkable bit of historical revisionism and a major change in what Microsoft has been telling its customers for five years. But don't take my word or Paul's - go read the supporting documents for yourself.

October 16, 2006 by

Is there a fuel cell in your future?

Is there a fuel cell in your future?

The 'Bloom box' fuel system that Silicon Valley is fussing about isn't free energy or perpetual motion; it's a clever way of storing the energy from gas (natural or biogas) in solid oxide fuel cells more efficiently than a gas generator (although when they say it's far more efficient than the US electrical grid that's not saying much, as that emits considerably more CO2 than the UK national grid and loses more of it in transmission).

March 9, 2010 by