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If Adobe gets Linux, they win

If Adobe gets Linux, they win

A post on the virtues (and meaningfulness) of cross platform is coming, but after seeing this on Digg today, I had to say something, because it really proves what I've been alluding to all this time - cross platform matters. I'll go more into detail on this later this week, but economically, it may not make sense. However if you do cross platform well, you win. Pass go, collect $200, you're going to Disneyland, put on the green jacket; you win. Why? Because the people that use Linux are absolutely crazy - in a good way.

July 21, 2006 by

Mobile RIAs: Java, Apollo, and Silverlight's deathmatch? If so, what of Eclipse v. Netbeans?

Mobile RIAs: Java, Apollo, and Silverlight's deathmatch? If so, what of Eclipse v. Netbeans?

Last week, while at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco, Sun drew some major lines in the sand for Java and now, about the only thing we can do is sit back and watch to see what happens. If I had to sum up what I heard, it's that the battle for supremacy in the RIA space (that's Rich Interactive Application if you're Microsoft, Rich Internet Application if you're not) will be fought in the mobile and embedded spaces.

May 14, 2007 by