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Why some see red on Green Day

Why some see red on Green Day

weekly roundup Sunday was Earth Day, though John McConnell may dispute the date, and Singapore decided to do its part in reducing waste by embarking on a new initiative to encourage its citizens to bring their own shopping bags.Specifically, on the first Wednesday of every month, shoppers will be charged 10 cents for each plastic bag requested at checkout counters of participating retailers including Carrefour, NTUC FairPrice and Sheng Siong.

April 22, 2007 by

Why some see red on Green Day

Why some see red on Green Day

weekly roundup Sunday was Earth Day, though John McConnell may dispute the date, and Singapore decided to do its part in reducing waste by embarking on a new initiative to encourage its citizens to bring their own shopping bags.Specifically, on the first Wednesday of every month, shoppers will be charged 10 cents for each plastic bag requested at checkout counters of participating retailers including Carrefour, NTUC FairPrice and Sheng Siong.

April 22, 2007 by