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Vizioncore esxEssentials

Vizioncore esxEssentials

<p>Combining comprehensive backup, monitoring and virtual machine (VM) replication tools for VMware’s <a href="http://reviews.zdnet.co.uk/software/os/0,1000001098,39282802,00.htm">Virtual Infrastructure 3</a>, <a href="http://www.vizioncore.com/esxEssentials.html">Vizioncore esxEssentials</a> provides the main utilities needed to manage VMs in a datacentre environment. Priced at £509 (ex. VAT) with one year's support, or £649 with three years' support, the esxEssentials pack costs less than buying the individual applications separately. The suite was originally launched last summer, and has recently been updated with new versions of <a href="http://www.vizioncore.com/esxRangerPro.html">esxRanger</a> and <a href="http://www.vizioncore.com/esxCharter.html">esxCharter</a>. </p>

August 21, 2007 by

Defrag Manager 3.0

Defrag Manager 3.0

Hard disk drives are lousy at housekeeping. When files are created, deleted or modified it's a certainty they will become fragmented. This reduces their performance and reliability, as their drive heads have to search for all the pieces of data in different locations. Defragmenting a hard disks helps to reorganise non-contiguous files into contiguous files and optimise their placement on the hard disk for increased reliability and performance.

September 30, 2004 by

System Center Essentials 2010

System Center Essentials 2010

<p> It's been a couple of years since Microsoft launched <a href="http://reviews.zdnet.co.uk/software/enterpriseapplications/0,1000001813,39290946,00.htm">System Center Essentials 2007</a>, giving mid-sized businesses access to the same system management tools as enterprises in a more affordable and usable format. <a href="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/ee470676.aspx">System Center Essentials 2010</a> (SCE 2010), which is now available as a <a href="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/ee470677.aspx">Release Candidate</a>, majors on the ability to manage virtual as well as physical machines. The console interface also gets an overhaul in the new release, and it's designed to be much easier to deploy by the IT generalists who are typically charged with getting it to work. </p>

March 3, 2010 by