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Oracle blogs--an attention free zone

Oracle blogs--an attention free zone

Guest Post: My fellow Enterprise Irregular, drama critic of the enterprise software industry, advisor to the software developers and marketers and inveterate blogger Dennis Howlett responds to a post by Oracle Technology Network's editor-in-chief complaining that his company doesn't get enough love from the blogosphere crowd. Justin Kestelyn, Oracle Technology Network's editor-in-chief is whining because Oracle's not getting the attention he thinks it deserves.

April 30, 2007 by

Sun bids to change the economics of video streaming

Sun bids to change the economics of video streaming

Sun launched some high density iron into the video streaming market with the Sun Streaming System, which the company claimed delivers the highest video streaming capacity to cable and telecom providers in the industry. It supports up to 160,000 simultaneous and unique video streams at 2Mbps for less than $50 per stream, which is about 10 times the streaming capacity of competitive platforms, according to Sandeep Agrawal, group marketing manager, Sun Systems Group.

April 25, 2007 by