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Older generations need innovation, not just internet

Older generations need innovation, not just internet

Today saw the publication of the Times' "50 ways to improve old age" - the link is behind a paywall, but in summary, it did indeed contain 50 snappy ideas of how older generations could be treated with more dignity, helped across the road and so on. From the paper version I picked up in a cafe, I drew the conclusion that it was not based on any particularly exhaustive study or experience, and so should not, perhaps, be subjected to too much scrutiny or comment.

October 17, 2011 by

Dell sponsors small business again

Dell sponsors small business again

Dell has called for entries to this year's Dell Small Business Excellence Awards, an international competition to find technology innovations which is now in its sixth year.The competition is open to innovators from any country and is sponsored by the US National Federation for Independent Business and globally by the International Council for Small Business and Endeavour, a global non-profit organisation "supporting emerging market entrepreneurs".

February 3, 2009 by