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5 things to know about electric vehicle batteries

5 things to know about electric vehicle batteries

The buzz out of Bloom Energy today about the latest strategy for its fuel cell energy servers (it will offer them "as a service") underscores the importance of storage technology when it comes to green energy approaches. It resonated especially loudly with me since I just spent an hour on Wednesday afternoon listening in on briefing about electric vehicle battery technology, held by the Electric Drive Transportation Association.

January 20, 2011 by

Hydrogen storage for green cars

Hydrogen storage for green cars

Many people predict that one day we'll drive cars powered by hydrogen. These 'green' cars would only release water after combustion of the hydrogen, which would be good for our planet. But there is a big hurdle: we really don't know how to store safely this hydrogen. Now, researchers in the UK and Canada say they've discovered -- almost by accident -- a new material which could be used to safely store hydrogen at room temperature. This new material, a rhodium-hydrogen compound, can store and release hydrogen with a simple switch. And the researchers hope to have an hydrogen tank prototype ready within two to three years.

December 5, 2006 by