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MobileTechRoundup show #152, Lenovo X301, MSI Wind and Android thoughts

MobileTechRoundup show #152, Lenovo X301, MSI Wind and Android thoughts

Kevin's been checking out the Lenovo X301 with integrated WiMAX and after hearing him talk about it on MobileTechRoundup show #152 I think he is getting closer and closer to picking one up for himself. I went ahead and purchased the MSI Wind and discovered it has a slightly different keyboard layout than the review unit I checked out and the differences actually have a major impact on usability. Kevin pointed me to a fix that is now working well on the device. James picked up a black T-Mobile G1 and it was good to hear his initial thoughts after Kevin and I have been checking the device out for a couple of weeks now. We talked about some of our favorite Android applications too.

October 26, 2008 by

MobileTechRoundup show #145, Traveling in Singapore, Nokia announcements, WiMAX features

MobileTechRoundup show #145, Traveling in Singapore, Nokia announcements, WiMAX features

It turns out that the air conditioning unit in my hotel in Singapore was cranking and I didn't realize it as we recorded MobileTechRoundup show #145 a couple of days ago so I am sorry for the background hum that still remains a bit in the audio file. We did talk about a few new devices that were announced, including the N79 and N85. Kevin ordered a MSI Wind that should be coming soon and I also just ordered a Kindle at a great price. James, Kevin, and I talked a bit about WiMAX and our hopes that it launches soon since it will supposedly allow multiple devices on the same account. Android is getting an application market store, similar to the Apple iPhone.

August 31, 2008 by