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Predictions for JavaOne, anyone?

Predictions for JavaOne, anyone?

I just got done reading Sun president and COO Jonathan Schwartz's most recent blog entry, most of which describes the business model that put Red Hat on the map with Linux -- but that does so in the context of Sun's recently released OpenSolaris and how, by crossing the digital divide, all technology boats will float a little higher.  Wrote Schwartz, "And I'd rather get 20% of a business that's planetary in scope, than 100% of a business with 17 customers.

June 17, 2005 by

Oracle users enjoy open source benefits but shy away from databases -- for now

Oracle users enjoy open source benefits but shy away from databases -- for now

I agree with Tony that open source databases are ripe for rapid growth and expand use-case scenarios. As more applications are served up as services, those service providers will be doing a lot of custom distributed infrastructure development, leveraging open source, and rolling their own functionally targeted stacks. Think of Google, Amazon, eBay and Yahoo as examples. Are they running Oracle or DB2 or Microsoft SQL Server, or are they taking a more commoditized view on databases?

October 24, 2007 by