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Trying to increase productivity? Send your employees home.

Trying to increase productivity? Send your employees home.

Companies that give their workers the option of telecommuting are seeing greater productivity, lower costs, improved employee health and greater employee retention, according to a survey released today by the Computing Technology Industry Association.Case in point: I'm typing this from this from my own home office setup - a desk out in a corner of the garage where there's a printer, a phone, some speakers (for my background tunes) and even a small TV with CNN on in the background.

October 7, 2008 by

They can't be serious...

They can't be serious...

Writing up this morning's appearance at the London Telemedicine Symposium by the Rt Hon Margaret Hodge, I left out a couple of choice quotes (we try to keep our stories focused, you see).Aside from claiming that people are comfortable with the Internet (er, not the elderly folks for whom telemedicine is supposedly designed) and suggesting that it's the tech industry's responsibility to get kids fired up about science (who exactly sets the curriculum these days?

January 24, 2007 by