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Ten leading platforms for creating online communities

Ten leading platforms for creating online communities

Creating online communities of customers and workers has been one of the hotter topics in business and technology this year. Whether you're on the business side, in IT, or are just trying to build virtual teams around shared goals, online communities are rapidly becoming a popular way to organize people and accomplish work in a highly collaborative manner. It's beginning to be understood that communities aren't just for socializing but for getting things done.

September 4, 2008 by

Unemployed? Five reasons to build your resume with FOSS contributions

Unemployed? Five reasons to build your resume with FOSS contributions

It looks like we've gone from speculating whether we're headed into recession depression, to speculating just what that depression is going to look like. Yihong Ding, over on the Thinking Space blog,predicts that we'll have a "Golden Age" of the Web thanks to millions sitting at home with little else to do than putter around on the Web:So, Web companies and Web investors, now it is your chance.

November 17, 2008 by

Ignore 'fads' when examining OSS: Govt

Ignore 'fads' when examining OSS: Govt

Federal government agencies must "disregard any industry fads or novelty value" when assessing open-source software for procurement, according to a new guide.The document -- A Guide to Open Source Software for Australian Government Agencies -- released today by the Special Minister of State, Senator Eric Abetz, at a conference in Canberra, states "the primary considerations [in open-source software procurement] are fitness for purpose and value for money.

April 17, 2005 by