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Could what you say on Twitter change your voting district’s boundaries?

Could what you say on Twitter change your voting district’s boundaries?

An investigation into using quantum computers for political predictions leads to a curious discovery: Someone may have been using high-performance algorithms to redraw congressional districts in at least one US state. ZDNet’s Scott Fulton tells our Karen Forrest how this could happen, and connects the dots with a university experiment on the predictive power of political sentiment on social media.

March 10, 2021 by

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Should your business become 'quantum safe?'

Should your business become 'quantum safe?'

Security providers are already calling it “Y2K II.” It’s the unknown date when all encrypted communications can be easily broken by a simple quantum computing algorithm. Bets are being taken on when that date will take place. There are efforts to replace the world’s encryption systems. But is there really an active threat to the world’s intelligence? ZDNet’s Scott Fulton asks, who can actually use a quantum computer to expose the world?

June 3, 2021 by

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Edge computing: Will it replace or enhance the cloud?

Edge computing: Will it replace or enhance the cloud?

Suppose thousands of small data centers you could fit in the back of a truck could replace massive, hyperscale cloud data centers? They’d be closer to customers, less costly to cool and maintain, and faster to deliver services to enterprises. What’s the catch? Take your pick, because there are several. Scott Fulton talks with Karen Roby about the prospects and the pitfalls at the very edge of the computing landscape.

August 14, 2019 by