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6 music services compared: Who can bust the iTunes monopoly?

6 music services compared: Who can bust the iTunes monopoly?

Over the past few months, I’ve been sampling all of the major U.S.-based competitors to the iTunes Music Store, as well as a few fascinating minor-league competitors. In this post, I’ll show you how each one stacks up against iTMS in terms of pricing and available features. After my testing was complete, I had a new favorite music service, and after you read my report you might decide it’s right for you too.

April 23, 2009 by

Toward opal-based billboards?

Toward opal-based billboards?

Nature News reports that British and Canadian chemists have developed synthetic opals that can very quickly switch between various colors when a few volts of electricity are applied to them. The developers, who said they're ready to sell the technology today, added that their 'photonic ink' (P-Ink) material could soon be used in electronic books or advertising displays. These modified opals could also be used to build the next generation of flexible solar cells. ...

December 28, 2008 by