
The sheep that texted wolf

A new collar monitors the heart rate of sheep and can text shepherds when the animals are in distress.
Written by Amy Kraft, Weekend Editor

Sheepdogs have always warned herders of wolf attacks. But now the alert system just got a technological boost.

Scientists in Switzerland have created a collar for sheep that detects when their heart rates spike and sends a text message to their shepherd. Then the shepherd can chase away any unwanted visitors.

Jean-Marc Landry and colleagues from the research group Kora developed the system as a way to better control the increasing number of wolf attacks on sheep in Switzerland and France.

A prototype of the collar was tested on twelve sheep that were placed in an enclosure with two muzzled wolf dogs. The Scientist reports: "As the dogs poised to attack, the sheep’s heart rate shot from a resting 60 to 80 beats per minute to 225, indicating levels at which a text message to the shepherd may be warranted."

The second phase of testing, which includes a collar outfitted with wolf repellent, will take place in fall 2012. The wolf repellent will use either sounds or chemicals to drive the animals away without harming them.

According to The Scientist, "The final version is due to be tested in France and Switzerland in 2013, and Norway, another country with wolf problems, has already shown interest in the device."

Via The Scientist

Photo via tonynetone

This post was originally published on Smartplanet.com

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