
U.S. government whistle-blower on global warming

Dr. James Hansen is at it again: criticizing his employer for not being serious about dealing with global warming.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Dr. James Hansen is at it again: criticizing his employer for not being serious about dealing with global warming. The proposed Waxman-Markey bill--not even sure to get through the Senate--is already too namby-pamby. For Hansen's exact words, click here. Hansen blames the gutless American government's approach/avoidance of global warming for the lack of any tough moves out of the current G-8. A significant fraction of those answering our poll on Dr. Hansen do not support his right to speak out AND keep his job. Loyalty more important than honesty, I suppose. That's gotten us Enron, Worldcom, the Iraq Invasion and a raft of Wall Street scams. So it seems to be working just fine. [poll id="147"]

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