
Hey, Digg, it's REALLY time to update your tech topics

We take a break from our regularly scheduled postings to explore an issue that has been bugging me for months now.That's the fact that Digg's Submit a Story topic areas really could use some updating.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

We take a break from our regularly scheduled postings to explore an issue that has been bugging me for months now.

That's the fact that Digg's Submit a Story topic areas really could use some updating.

Since I submit to Digg often, I've noticed some glaring absences. Let's be constructive and turn these absences into category suggestions.

How about a category for news about Google? Right now, a lot of those Diggs wind up in the industry news bucket. Hey don't you think that's just too general?

And what about mobile services? Cellphone carriers, Mobile messaging, Twitter, etc. Sure, there is a Digg cat for devices, but I am not talking devices. I am talking carriers. They often make news that is quite Diggable, IMHO.

And what about IP Telephony/VoIP? Yes, I am prejudiced because that's a big part of my beat here, but Digg needs a bucket for Stuff about Skype, Vonage, carrier VoIP, etc?

I could think of many more potential topics. I'd like to see a category for Robotics as well. And that's just for starters.

Now I am going to ask what you think.

[poll id=95]

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